
The Blog


When You’re a Newbie RD

When You’re a Newbie RD

When you think you're "just a newbie RD," it shows up in everything you do. It shows up when you post on Facebook, attend a virtual networking event, and even when someone finally reaches out about working with you (it shows up in what you say, and how you say it)....

How I Became So Confident

How I Became So Confident

I get this question often, “How did you become so confident?” Most people who meet me for the first time think I was born this way. That I just showed up in the world with all the confidence I needed in life. This is far from true. In fact, I had very little...

Dealing With No-Show Clients

Dealing With No-Show Clients

Client no-shows are a part of doing business. You won’t be able to prevent them from happening 100%, but you can set a boundary for how you deal with them when they occur. It’s important, from a mindset perspective, that we (myself included) don’t make it mean...

Thoughts About Change

Thoughts About Change

We often spend most of our days trying to fix and change things. We get so caught up in changing, that we start changing the things that are working. Don’t do that. In fact, if it’s working, go ALL IN. Maximize it. WHY? Because it is WORKING. I used the same...

Rethink Your Niche

Rethink Your Niche

I watch so many new RD entrepreneurs spend countless hours obsessing over their niche. They think they have to make it perfect….just right. They think their success is dependent upon them honing in on the right niche. They've been fed the story that “it's all about...

The Appearance of Success

The Appearance of Success

In my world, there's a difference between creating value and creating the appearance of success. When you're taking action for the appearance of success, you'll spend your time on your website, your business cards, a beautiful home office, perfectly posed IG photos,...

Releasing The Need To Be Perfect

Releasing The Need To Be Perfect

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to make sure it's perfect before you start. You don't need to know how you'll succeed before you put your thing out there. Perfect... it's an illusion that you create in your mind. There is no such thing as "perfect". It's a...



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