It All Works

It All Works

Did you know that everything works? All of the things. Every diet. Every program. Every course. Every exercise regime. Every meal plan. It ALL works. So why don't people get results? Because they don't work. They don't keep working. They quit. The worst thing you...

Mastering The Money Conversation

Mastering The Money Conversation

When you first start getting discovery calls, you may feel like you're running at full speed to try and catch up to the conversation, but you are always lagging just a little behind. Ouch! Clients will say things, and you'll hesitate, trying to think where to guide...

How I Create My Podcast Content

How I Create My Podcast Content

One of the most common questions I get is “How do you come up with the content for your podcast??”, so today I want to talk about that. Creating content for your business doesn’t have to be hard. I can guarantee you that you have enough knowledge & skills to get...



Taking responsibility is the difference between knowing why you aren’t making money and what to do next to make money…or not. When your result is someone or something else’s fault, and something you can’t control, it’s easy to be confused and not know. To feel lost....



In the competitive field of nutrition & wellness, the notion of undercharging may initially sound counterintuitive. However, let's explore a strategic perspective that goes beyond conventional wisdom. In this article, we'll discuss the concept of undercharging,...

Hiring Your First Employee

Hiring Your First Employee

Today I’d like to talk to you about something most of us don’t think about when we’re just getting started in business, which is hiring your first employee. Eventually, you’ll get to the point when you can no longer do “all of the things”and you’ll need help....

Mastering The Money Conversation

Mastering The Money Conversation

When you first start getting discovery calls, you might feel like you are running at full speed to try and catch up to the conversation, but you are always lagging just a little behind. Clients will say things, and you'll hesitate, trying to think where to guide the...

Behind The Scenes of My Health Journey

Behind The Scenes of My Health Journey

In today’s video, I’m getting a little personal. I’m sharing an unpopular opinion that you may or may not agree with. It’s about weight loss, health outcomes, and why we’re perfectly positioned to help people with both. We are the unicorns…the Jane of all trades in...



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