
3 Subtle Shifts To Make So You Can Make More Money as a Dietitian

Blog, Mindset, Money Mindset

There are 3 things you struggle with that you don’t even realize are keeping you from becoming a leader and standing out in this industry. And keeping you from being a high-income earner.

They affect how well you sell, market, and the value you create. They also affect your contribution to your clients and peers. And even your ability to support your own clients. 

Here they are:

  1. Follow the pack mentality: Looking for others to lead the way, make decisions, and validate your ideas.

  2. Not properly planning your work and rest time: Having no idea if you will really be able to enjoy that day off, or if that project, launch, or program will get finished.

  3. Not seeing yourself as highly valuable (see #1) with new ideas to bring to the table.

Learning to sell and market is everything for an up-and-coming nutrition business.

But seeing yourself as someone CHANGING the industry… Someone with innovative ideas and the structure to plan and execute them. Giving yourself luxurious amounts of time to get it all done and providing your services with your highest energy, will create a legacy business that far exceeds your expectations.

To do this, you must get comfortable with selling. Otherwise, you remain a part of the pack instead of the leader of one.

Selling isn’t bad. It’s your thoughts about it that makes the difference.

Learn to sell, my friend. Make some money.

Simple as that.

This is a small example of the business growth & mindset work we do in my private coaching program. We work on mindset, productivity, and marketing to help your nutrition business grow and flourish exponentially.

Curious about what that would look like for you & your business?

Let’s connect and talk about your goals and how I can help you get there. Grab your free 30-minute consultation here.

The consult call is where I take the time to listen deeply to what your current situation looks like, what’s not working, where you want to be in your business, as well as your life, and help you map out a plan to get there.

If we’re the right fit for each other, we can also talk about what it would look like to work together.


About Christine

Christine smiling

Christine Dyan Thomson, founder of The Manipura Centre™, works to amplify the voices of dietitians who are making an impact.

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