
EP.254: Mindset Minute: Honoring Your Commitments

Entrepreneurial Skills and Business Planning, Mindset, Podcast

In today’s “Mindset Minute,” we’re diving into a powerful concept: honoring your commitments. Whether it’s commitments to yourself or to others, it’s about living a life of integrity. Breaking promises to yourself erodes self-confidence and self-trust, so it’s time to make a change.


Start by forgiving yourself for past broken commitments and recommit to a future where you honor every commitment you make.


Embrace the mantra: “I am committed to living a life of integrity.

I am honest with myself, and I honor all commitments.” Remember, your words hold value, so let them guide your thoughts and actions.


It’s time to retrain your mind and take your commitment to a higher level.



Work with Christine as your business coach. Learn more about private coaching and schedule a Consult Call w/ Christine so she can discuss the details of how she can help you start & grow your business this year.


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About the host

Christine smiling

Christine Dyan Thomson, founder of The Manipura Centre™, works to amplify the voices of dietitians who are making an impact.

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