
Hey there, my friends! Welcome back for another episode of the podcast. Today, I’m thrilled to announce the return of private coaching, revamped and better than ever based on your invaluable feedback. After some soul-searching during my downtime, I realized there’s a deeper need for structured support, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or on the verge of burnout. This new iteration of private coaching is designed to guarantee results, a bold step I’m confident will transform your career trajectory.


In this revamped private coaching program, dubbed “Becoming the Top 1% 12-Step Process,” we embark on a transformative journey together over 12 months. Each month, we delve into essential topics meticulously crafted to elevate your career as a nutrition professional. From visionary leadership to mastering your mindset, we leave no stone unturned in ensuring you’re equipped with the tools and strategies needed to thrive in your field. 


Plus, I’m thrilled to offer a complimentary ticket to my upcoming mini-retreat in Chicago for added value and connection! Imagine immersing yourself in a supportive community of like-minded professionals, where you’ll not only gain invaluable insights but also rejuvenate your spirit and ignite your passion for your work. This three-day event promises to be a blend of fun, education, and creative expression—a perfect opportunity to let your hair down and recharge.


Are you ready to step into your power, unlock your earning potential, and create a thriving nutrition business that aligns with your vision? If so, I invite you to explore the details of our private coaching program on our website and schedule a consultation today. Whether you’re seeking clarity on your next steps or craving a supportive community to navigate the journey with, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your career and life—let’s make magic happen together!





Private Coaching w/Christine will get you there! Enroll in Christine’s private coaching program and make significant strides toward your career & financial goals!



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About the host

Christine smiling

Christine Dyan Thomson, founder of The Manipura Centreâ„¢, works to amplify the voices of dietitians who are making an impact.

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