
EP.304: Living Your Values


Hey there, my friends! Welcome back for another Mindset Minute.


Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s close to my heart: living your values. Each of us possesses a unique power system—a set of core values that guide our decisions and actions. These core values are deeply ingrained within us, and shaped by our experiences, beliefs, and aspirations. And here’s the beautiful thing: when we align our lives (and our careers) with our values, magic happens. We experience a profound sense of internal happiness, and God responds in kind, rewarding us with flourishing relationships, fulfilling careers, and a life that truly resonates with our soul’s deepest desires.


To start living your values, I invite you to reconnect with your childhood—the purest essence of who you are. Reflect on the things that mattered most to you back then. Maybe it was helping others, expressing yourself creatively, or immersing yourself in physical activities like dance. Your childhood holds the key to uncovering your authentic self and rediscovering the values that have always been within you. By identifying and embracing these values, you pave the way for a happier, more meaningful approach to life.


So, here’s a mantra to carry with you this week: “I am in love with my life. I live my values and show up with integrity in all my interactions. My values are a reflection of my soul’s deepest desires.” 


Now, I invite you to reflect: What are your values?


Wishing you a beautiful day and an abundance-filled week ahead!





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About the host

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Christine Dyan Thomson, founder of The Manipura Centre™, works to amplify the voices of dietitians who are making an impact.

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