
EP.280: Mindset Minute: The Grass is Greenest Where You Stand

Mindset, Podcast

Welcome, dear listeners, to another insightful installment of Mindset Minute. In today’s exploration, we delve into a powerful truth: the grass is, indeed, greenest right beneath your feet. Our engaging discussion centers on the misconception that external sources hold the key to lasting happiness. How often have we sought joy in new situations, possessions, or relationships, only to discover a persistent sense of dissatisfaction? Our speaker encourages us to break free from this cycle and redirect our focus inward. Instead of attempting to escape problems, the wisdom lies in watering the grass where you stand – addressing challenges directly and navigating life’s transitions with grace.


The heart of today’s message is the essence of being present in one’s life. The recognition that, no matter where you go, there you are. This profound self-awareness prompts a shift from seeking happiness externally to compassionately solving internal challenges. As we reflect on this, we invite you, our cherished audience, to ponder a question: What problem can you focus on fixing rather than evading? The journey to cultivating genuine happiness within begins with embracing the present moment.


This week’s mantra is: “Embrace the now, water the grass where you stand. In each moment, I find the greenest joy within. No external pursuit can surpass the happiness I cultivate within myself. I am present, addressing challenges with compassion, and flowing effortlessly through life’s transitions.”



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About the host

Christine smiling

Christine Dyan Thomson, founder of The Manipura Centre™, works to amplify the voices of dietitians who are making an impact.

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