In today’s Mindset Minute, let’s dive into a powerful concept: the less you know about how, the better.
Embracing a can-do attitude and a go-getter spirit often yield the results you crave. It’s easy to hesitate when embarking on a new project or goal, uncertain about the path to take. Sometimes, the traditional paths laid out by others may not be the best fit for your unique journey. Great innovators and thought leaders create their own paths.
Remember, you don’t need to have all the answers to move forward fearlessly. Your plan is unique, and embracing your truth can be the key to unlocking your true potential.
So, here’s a question for you: What do you want to do that hasn’t yet been done?
Work with Christine as your business coach. Learn more about private coaching and schedule a Consult Call w/ Christine so she can discuss the details of how she can help you start & grow your business this year.
Our flagship program, The Abundance Incubator will open for enrollment and you don’t want to miss out! Learn more about the program and get on the waitlist today.
Grab a copy of the “How to Calculate Your Rate as an RD Entrepreneur” Workbook.

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