Hiring a business coach to help you start and grow your nutrition business is a great investment. Over the years of my career, I’ve hired many coaches to help me along my life & career journey.
Some were business coaches, some were life coaches, and then there were those who were “in between.” The common denominator was that each one of them were extremely helpful and supportive. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I had not invested in myself in this way.
Today on the Make More Money as a Dietitian Podcast, I share why I do not consider myself a business coach, even though I help my clients start and grow their nutrition businesses.
- Why I don’t identify as a business coach.
- The title I most identify with and prefer that you address me as.
- The one thing that is more important than learning the practicalities of business building, IMO.
- And, SO much more!
Work with Christine as your business coach. Learn more about private coaching and schedule a Consult Call w/ Christine so she can discuss the details of how she can help you start & grow your business this year.
Our flagship program, The Incubator is opening soon! Be sure to get on the waitlist to be one of the first notified about open enrollment.
Grab a copy of the workbook “How to Calculate Your Rate as an RD Entrepreneur” .

Are you subscribed to the podcast on Apple Podcasts? If you’re not, I encourage you to do that today. You don’t want to miss an episode!