You can feel like an RD Entrepreneur without actually BEING one. A paid one.
You can spend your time hanging out with other dietitians in FB Groups.
You can spend your time creating content, writing posts, and recording podcasts.
You can build your website and hone your niche. And get business cards with a really cute slogan (do people still use business cards, even?)
You can attend webinars and read all the entrepreneurial books.
It all feels so professional and “business-like”.
But business-like is all it really is.
Like a business. But not really.
Because businesses require MONEY.
So you have to get out there and make it if you want to have a really real business.
This will make you feel more professional than all the peer conversations in the world and even the most beautiful website.
This will do more for your career than writing a book.
You HAVE to make money.
You MUST focus all your daily activities on interactions with other humans in order to make that money.
This seems simple.
But do a calendar audit.
How much time do you spend interacting with actual humans every day?
Yes, virtual/remote/over the phone/through the computer works. So you can interact with humans even in a pandemic.
And your peers don’t count. Your RD community on Facebook doesn’t count. It’s gotta be humans that you can make REAL offers to.
That you can hear the word NO from. (Or YES… even better).

So get out of the RD groups on social (unless you paid to be there and you’re there for coaching). Get off the accountability calls. Set aside the niche drama for a minute. Pause the website build. Stop writing the book and put THIS on your calendar this week.
Today. To. Do.
“Interact with actual people”.
“Make offers to real humans”
“Hear the word NO at least once today”
“Serve someone in this hour”.
And get to work.
This is the “magical” (not so magical) formula you need to make more money as a dietitian. It’ll also challenge you to think better thoughts about what is possible for you as you build a REAL nutrition business.
This is a small example of the business growth & mindset work we do in my private coaching program. We work on mindset, productivity, and marketing to help your nutrition business grow and flourish exponentially.
Curious about what that would look like for you & your business?
Let’s connect and talk about your goals and how I can help you get there when you join our signature group program, The Abundance Incubator. Get on the waitlist because we’re opening enrollment soon!
The Abundance Incubator is where we prioritize the mindset & life balance work that will ultimately allow you to build the nutrition business that you’ve been dreaming of.
So join the waitlist, okay? It’s time you get your business idea out of your head and into the world so you can help more people AND make more money. Win-Win!!