
EP.293: Self Worth vs Self Confidence

Entrepreneurial Skills and Business Planning, Mindset, Podcast

Hey there, wonderful listeners, it’s a milestone moment for me as I celebrate my one-year journey towards reclaiming my health and wellness. Back in 2023, on March 6th, I embarked on this path, utilizing a program that has been my steadfast companion ever since. This journey has been about more than just shedding pounds and lowering blood pressure; it’s been a profound exploration of mental fitness, reshaping my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. As I dive into another eight-week round of fitness goals, I’m buzzing with excitement. It feels like an anniversary round, a celebration of consistency, discipline, and the transformative power of self-care.


Throughout this past year, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact of unwavering commitment to self-improvement. It’s not just about shedding pounds or hitting fitness targets; it’s about delving deep into the intricate layers of mental fitness and self-worth. As I candidly share my experiences, including moments of imperfection and self-discovery, I invite you to explore the intricate relationship between self-confidence and self-worth. Through candid conversations and introspection, we unravel the misconceptions surrounding these concepts and pave the way for authentic growth and empowerment.


Moreover, this episode serves as a rallying call for anyone navigating their own journey of self-discovery and empowerment. From confronting societal conditioning to redefining our worth beyond external validations, we delve into the essence of true abundance—rooted in self-worth. So, whether you’re a seasoned health enthusiast or someone embarking on their wellness odyssey, join me as we embrace the journey towards holistic well-being and unshakeable self-worth. Together, let’s step into a future defined by empowerment, resilience, and unyielding self-worth.





  • Insights into maintaining consistency and discipline in a health and wellness journey.
  • The significance of self-worth in achieving long-term health and fitness goals.
  • Understanding the distinction between self-confidence and self-worth, and how they impact success.
  • Strategies for unraveling limiting beliefs and nurturing a strong sense of self-worth.
  • A glimpse into the upcoming Abundance Incubator program, designed to empower individuals to thrive personally and professionally through cultivating self-worth and confidence.







Reserve your spot on the waitlist for our upcoming in-person retreat experience at Manipura Centre Adventures, where unforgettable experiences are on the horizon. You’ll spend your time immersing yourself in breathtaking locations, connecting with like-minded women, and discovering new horizons for personal growth and fulfillment.


Grab a copy of the workbook “How to Calculate Your Rate as an RD Entrepreneur” Discover practical steps to determine your value, understand expenses, set income goals, and calculate your ideal hourly rate. Sign up now for financial empowerment in your nutrition practice.


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About the host

Christine smiling

Christine Dyan Thomson, founder of The Manipura Centre™, works to amplify the voices of dietitians who are making an impact.

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