
EP.285: Costa Rica Retreat Reflections

Mindset, Podcast, Work Life Balance

Welcome, cherished listeners, to another captivating episode of “Do All of the Things.” Have you been contemplating whether you’re genuinely doing all the things in life? In this installment, Christine takes you on a journey back to the roots of a significant dream – hosting an in-person retreat in the tropical paradise of Costa Rica. Envision an impromptu TED Talk, a comparison to the formidable Lisa Nichols, and the birth of a visionary dream. Join Christine as she explores the power of spontaneity, the art of crafting visionary goals in condensed timeframes, and the transformative experience of a retreat that transcends traditional measures of success.


At the core of this episode lies the essence of spontaneity and organic growth. The audience unravels the story of a TED Talk delivered without meticulous preparation, leading to a serendipitous comparison to the renowned Lisa Nichols. The takeaway? Embracing the unscripted can be a key ingredient in the recipe for unexpected success. Dive into the podcast to discover the magic that happens when plans are set aside, and desires unfold organically.


The journey doesn’t halt there. The episode delves into the profound concept of crafting a vision for the future, drawing inspiration from “The 12 Week Year.” The audience uncovers the secrets of condensing aspirations into a 12-week plan, challenging the conventional approach to goal-setting. As insights from the transformative retreat in Costa Rica are shared, listeners witness firsthand the impact of holistic development – blending personal and professional growth in a serene setting. 





  • Discover how going with the flow and embracing spontaneity can lead to unexpectedly successful ventures, just like my impromptu TED Talk that laid the foundation for my Costa Rica retreat vision.


  • Uncover the secrets of charting your vision for 2024, drawing insights from “The 12 Week Year.” Learn how condensing your goals into a 12-week plan can revolutionize your approach to success.


  • Explore the concept of true wealth beyond monetary measures. Join our journey into a popular workshop that explores what it means to be wealthy in every aspect of life.


  • Get a sneak peek into the standout moments from our Costa Rica retreat, from intention-setting ceremonies to restorative yoga, self-care for healers, and even an excursion to Waterfall Gardens. 


  • Be the first to know about our upcoming retreats, including an all-inclusive experience in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Whether you’re a nutrition professional or someone seeking personal growth, these retreats offer a unique blend of skills development, connection, and relaxation.




Work with Christine as your mindset coach for career growth. Learn more about private coaching and schedule a Consult Call w/ Christine so she can discuss the details of how she can help you create a positive and empowered mindset, overcome limiting beliefs, and develop effective strategies to achieve your professional goals.


Reserve your spot on the waitlist for our upcoming in-person retreat experience at Manipura Centre Adventures, where unforgettable experiences are on the horizon. You’ll spend your time immersing yourself in breathtaking locations, connecting with like-minded women, and discovering new horizons for personal growth and fulfillment.


Grab a copy of the workbook “How to Calculate Your Rate as an RD Entrepreneur”

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About the host

Christine smiling

Christine Dyan Thomson, founder of The Manipura Centre™, works to amplify the voices of dietitians who are making an impact.

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