
EP.172: Leverage Your Practice Using Group Programs with Stephanie Clairmont

Entrepreneurial Skills and Business Planning, Marketing and Client Acquisition, Money Mindset, Podcast

Today on the Make More Money as a Dietitian Podcast, Christine interviews Stephanie Clairmont, MHSc, the owner & founder of The Leveraged Practice. Stephanie is a former Registered Dietitian turned business owner who is passionate about helping other clinicians make more money by creating group programs. 

In this episode, Stephanie shares her professional journey that led her to initially being one of the few RD’s in North America teaching FODMAPS to her, ultimately finding her passion helping others in their private practices.

If you’d like to create your first group program, Stephanie is the person you’ll want to connect with. For now, take a listen to this episode and get inspired by what could be possible for you in your nutrition business!



  • How Stephanie started her career in dietetics. 
  • Why Stephanie ultimately decided to let go of her RD credentials to do the work she’s currently doing.
  • The ONE thing that helped Stephanie keep going in her career, even when times got tough.
  • Why having a group program is the way to go, no matter what stage of business you are in.
  • And so much MORE!



Stephanie Clairmont, MHSc, is a retired Registered Dietitian, entrepreneur, founder and lead facilitator at The Leveraged Practice. She has been delivering in-person and online education since 2012 to health professionals and health clients and has been a part of national conferences, television shows and online symposiums. 

After creating 20+ online programs and launching (to-date) over 100+ times, she has enrolled over 5000+ students through her programs. Stephanie is passionate about helping other health practitioners create an online program for their practice. She combines her unique expertise with the best practices and research in online education to help others leverage their experience, see more clients and make a bigger impact on the health of the world.








SIGN UP for Stephanie’s Free Training: How to Leverage Your 1:1 Services Into an Online Program. You’re guaranteed to learn a few takeaways here.

Work with Christine as your business coach. Learn more about private coaching and schedule a Consult Call w/ Christine so she can discuss the details of how she can help you start & grow your business this year.

Grab a copy of the “How to Calculate Your Rate as an RD Entrepreneur”  Workbook

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About the host

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Christine Dyan Thomson, founder of The Manipura Centre™, works to amplify the voices of dietitians who are making an impact.

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