As dietitians, we often get caught in the endless cycle of pushing harder, doing more, and feeling like we're swimming upstream. In this episode, we're diving into a game-changing approach to running your practice: flowing instead of forcing. We'll explore the subtle...
EP.342: The Journey Is The Destination
Ever catch yourself rushing through life, eyes fixed on some distant goal, only to realize you're missing the magic happening right now? In this episode, we're diving deep into why the path to success might be more valuable than the destination itself. We've all been...
EP 341: The Hidden Cost of Hustle Culture – My Wake-Up Call
Ever wonder if there's a hidden price tag attached to our culture's obsession with hustling harder? In this powerful episode, I share what really happens when we believe that success requires constant pushing, grinding, and sacrificing our well-being. As health...
EP.340: Writing Your New Story: Creating an Identity That Matches Your Vision
Have you ever tried to describe your work and felt like the words just didn't capture who you really are as a professional? That disconnect isn't just about finding the right words – it's about aligning your professional story with who you're becoming. In this final...
EP.339: The Expert Identity: Owning Your Worth Without the Perfectionism
As dietitians, we're trained to value precision, evidence, and getting things right. But sometimes, this commitment to excellence morphs into a perfectionism that keeps us from fully stepping into our expertise. It's that voice that says you need to know everything...
EP.338: Breaking Up with ‘Should’- Moving Past Professional Identity Limits
Ever notice how often you tell yourself what you "should" do in your career? These professional "shoulds" often masquerade as wisdom, but they're actually limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in conventional paths that might not align with our true potential. In this...
EP.337: Is Your Self-Image Keeping You Small? Redefining Who You Are as a Dietitian
As dietitians, we often find ourselves caught between who we are and who we think we should be professionally. That nagging feeling that we're meant for more isn't just career restlessness – it's a sign that we've outgrown our current professional self-image. In this...
EP.335: The Evolution of a Dietitian: Embracing Your Business Identity
Ever feel like you're wearing two hats – amazing clinician by day, budding business owner by... well, also day? You're not alone. That dance between your clinical expertise and entrepreneurial spirit is one of the biggest transformations we face as dietitians, and...
EP.334: Community – The Power of Like-Minded Connection
Ever feel like you're on this professional journey all by yourself? In this heart-to-heart episode of Do All of The Things, we're diving into something we all need but don't talk about enough – the magic that happens when you find your people. You know, that group of...