Emotional Mindset
EP.308: This Is Not Your Practice Life

EP.308: This Is Not Your Practice Life

Hey there, my friends! Welcome back for another Mindset Minute. Today, let's dive into something important—this isn't a practice life we're living. Nope, this is the real deal, and it's time to seize it with both hands. There are no rehearsals, no second takes; it's...

EP.307: Embracing Imperfection

EP.307: Embracing Imperfection

Welcome back to another episode of "Do All of the Things."  In our journey of growth and self-discovery, one of the most profound lessons we can learn is to find beauty in our imperfections and to celebrate the messy, imperfect aspects of ourselves and our lives.  ...

EP.306: Your Work

EP.306: Your Work

Hey there, my friends! Welcome back for another Mindset Minute. Today, I want to dive into a topic that's central to our lives: our work. Your job isn't just a way to pay the bills; it's an integral part of your life plan, deeply intertwined with your unique set of...

EP.301: Growing Pains

EP.301: Growing Pains

Welcome back to another episode of "Do All of the Things."  If you've been tuning in since the days of "Make More Money as a Dietitian," you know I love using my own experiences to shed light on the journey we're all navigating. Right now, I'm deep in the trenches of...

EP.308: This Is Not Your Practice Life

EP.300: Feeling Abundant Now

Hey there, my friends! Welcome back for another Mindset Minute. We're celebrating a milestone today—it's our 300th episode! Can you believe it? From the humble beginnings in the "Make More Money as a Dietitian" series to where we are now, focused on embracing all...

EP.308: This Is Not Your Practice Life

EP.298: Time Is On Your Side

Hey there, my friends! Welcome back for another Mindset Minute. Today, I want to share a gentle reminder that time is indeed on your side. Despite looming deadlines and the pressure of time constraints, it's important to recognize that time has a fluidity that can...



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