
EP.298: Time Is On Your Side

Emotional Mindset, Podcast

Hey there, my friends! Welcome back for another Mindset Minute. Today, I want to share a gentle reminder that time is indeed on your side. Despite looming deadlines and the pressure of time constraints, it’s important to recognize that time has a fluidity that can expand when infused with joy and playfulness.


Feeling overwhelmed by looming deadlines? Consider this: adding a playful touch to your tasks can enhance productivity and make the process more enjoyable. Instead of powering through with stress and tension, invite a sense of lightness and fun into your day. Trust me, the more joy you infuse into your work, the more successful you’ll be at meeting those deadlines with ease and grace.


So, here’s a mantra to carry with you this week: Time is merely an illusion, a construct of my perception. I embrace the present moment fully, knowing that I have an abundance of time at my disposal to fulfill my commitments. By infusing joy into every aspect of my life, I’ll find that time expands, allowing me to savor each moment and accomplish my goals effortlessly. 


Now, I invite you to reflect: When do you lose yourself in moments of pure joy, completely forgetting about time? Embrace those moments and let them guide you towards a more playful and fulfilling approach to life. Until next time, my friend, embrace the joy of the present moment and trust that time is always on your side.


Wishing you a fantastic day and week ahead!



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About the host

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Christine Dyan Thomson, founder of The Manipura Centre™, works to amplify the voices of dietitians who are making an impact.

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