EP.68: Tell Your Story

EP.68: Tell Your Story

The power of your story is beyond any marketing message you could use in your business. When you tell your story, you leave an opportunity for your people to relate to you and find you. This helps draw people to you and your business. Your story is a combination of...

EP.64: Standing Out in Your Niche

EP.64: Standing Out in Your Niche

In many industries, especially the dietitian industry, it can be easy to blend into the crowd. So it can be hard to stand out from your competition and get the clients. But, it doesn't matter how many people are out there doing the same thing if they're all doing it...

EP.62: Ashley Koff

EP.62: Ashley Koff

Ashley Koff, owner, and founder of The Better Nutrition Program has done it all. For over 20 years, she's helped thousands of individuals, businesses, and practitioners get better results. She's also an advisor, author, spokesperson, and advocate for better health. In...

EP.57: Business Foundations

EP.57: Business Foundations

When any Dietitian creates a business, there are certain foundations they establish first. Most business coaches will guide you to establish your entity, payment processing system, and health record platform first. While these are essential for getting started, so...

EP.49: The Big Ripple Effect

EP.49: The Big Ripple Effect

I believe each of us is here on this planet for a specific reason. A Divine assignment. And that assignment is meant to have a ripple effect that'll reach many beyond the physical encounters with those we work with. Today, I’m sharing the importance of YOU creating a...

EP.48: The Power of the Pause

EP.48: The Power of the Pause

Money conversations can often be difficult, especially if you're not used to having them. But when you own a business, it's important to build your confidence in asking for money, especially if you want to maintain a sustainable business. That's where the Power of the...



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