Money Mindset
EP.231: Outgrowing Things

EP.231: Outgrowing Things

Have you ever experienced that moment of reluctance to let go of a cherished item, like a favorite piece of clothing, which no longer fits or serves its purpose? As we explore this metaphor of outgrowing things, we'll realize that just like those jeans, we too can...

EP.227: Your World View

EP.227: Your World View

Your worldview plays a significant role in shaping your life and career decisions, as it forms the lens through which you perceive and interpret the world. Worldview encompasses your beliefs, values, experiences, and cultural background, and it deeply influences your...

EP.234 Mindset Minute: Did I Make a Difference

EP.226 Mindset Minute: Trying Again

Life's journey is a continuous process of exploration and discovery. Along the way, we encounter setbacks and challenges that test our resolve. But these obstacles are not indicators of defeat; they are stepping stones towards success.   Embrace the lessons...



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