
Private Coaching

Private Coaching with Christine

Expand Your Mindset. Transform Your Business. Change More Lives.


Become a top 1% earner as an RD Entrepreneur!

It’s Time For You To Make More Money as a Dietitian

Do you find yourself struggling with…

  • Setting boundaries to prevent burnout and maintain work-life harmony.
  • Managing self-sabotaging behaviors that hinder business growth and personal fulfillment.
  • Pricing your services confidently to reflect your value and expertise.
  • Addressing self-doubt and imposter syndrome to step into your role as a leader in the industry.




Coach with Christine and you’ll experience:

CLARITY:  Navigate your professional journey with clarity and purpose, staying true to your unique abilities & expertise.

CONFIDENCE:  Feel confident that your clients recognize the value of your services and are eager to invest in their own growth.

RESILIENCE:  Develop resilience to setbacks and challenges, maintaining a steadfast commitment to your goals.

ALIGNMENT:  Align effortlessly with clients who resonate with your unique approach and offerings.

SECURITY: Silence the impostor syndrome complex that’s been running the show for years


Ready to get started?

As an experienced professional, you have the skills to make a significant impact. Now, it’s time to focus on the inner work to reach your income goals. Think bigger, lay a strong foundation, and cultivate a success-oriented mindset. By aligning your mindset with your goals, you’ll pave the way for lasting success and fulfillment.



Christine is very specific about who she works with and hand-selects each client. Are you one of them?

  • You’re on an entrepreneurial path. This means you’re in the startup phase and you plan to become self-employed very soon.
  • You’ve been in business for a few years, but you still feel like “something’s missing”.
  • You’re making money right now and you want to make a lot more.
  • You have strong emotional reasons for wanting more money.
  • You want more from your career and you know you’re in the perfect position to create it for yourself.
  • You want more from your career than just a traditional job.
  • You sometimes struggle with procrastination and overthinking.
  • You want an experience that is going to make you hunker down and get ‘er done.
  • You’re coachable, even when it gets hard.
  • You’re serious about earning more money, and you know the time is now.


Strengthen Your Self-Worth Christine brings her expertise in thought work & life coaching to the forefront of your journey. Together, you’ll dive deep into the core of who you are and your infinite value to help you strengthen your self-worth, which is the foundation of anything you create in life.


Build a Purpose-Driven Business: With Christine’s guidance, you’ll build a purpose-driven business that aligns with your values and makes a positive impact. Together, you’ll create a roadmap for sustainable success and fulfillment in your entrepreneurial journey

Establish Your Authority and Impact: Let Christine help you establish yourself as an authority in your field and amplify your impact. Through strategic guidance and mindset empowerment, you’ll gain recognition for your expertise and create meaningful change in your community.



What to expect:

  • One full year of private coaching. You’ll meet with Christine the first 3 weeks of each month for 12 months. The 4th week is considered your implementation/integration week. That’s 36 coaching sessions where Christine will take you through her proven 12-step process “Becoming The Top 1%”.
  • Accountability between sessions. Christine has built-in accountability so you stay on track with your goals: the Weekly Focus Form that you’ll complete each week and direct email as your main source of communication.
  • Individualized focus on your unique business & career goals. Worksheets, spreadsheets, and checklists, as well as action steps (specifically for your business level) to ensure you are moving in the right direction.


Working with Christine as your coach, you’ll follow her proven 12-step process:


Becoming The Top 1%


The following 12 steps is the framework for

becoming a top 1% earner in our profession, guaranteed.


Visionary Leadership

Cultivate a vision for your business and lead with purpose.


Strategic Planning

Create a roadmap for success and set realistic & achievable goals.



Productivity and Time Management

Maximize efficiency and prioritize tasks for optimal results.


Personal Branding

Develop a unique brand identity and create an authentic on- and offline presence.


Mastering Finances

Understand cash flow, budgeting, and profit margins for sustainable growth.


Client Acquisition Strategies

Techniques for attracting and retaining your most ideal clients.


Client-Centered Service

Deliver exceptional value and exceed your client’s expectations.


Self-Care 2.0

Prioritize self-care habits to maintain balance and prevent burnout.


Mastering Mindset

Overcome your limiting beliefs and create a growth mindset for success.


Networking & Collaborations

Build strategic partnerships and expand your professional network.


Resilience and Perseverance

Develop resilience to overcome setbacks and persevere in the face of adversity.


Celebrating Success & Gratitude

Recognize your achievements and create a mindset of gratitude for continued growth.


By the time you complete the program:

  • You’ll feel more confident as an entrepreneur.
  • You’ll feel more aligned with the work you’re really meant to do in the world.
  • You’ll be more excited to focus on the things needed to grow your business.
  • You’ll continue to accelerate and reach your goals without all the mind drama holding you back.



Don’t just take our word for it…

I hired Christine to help me with my money mindset after I realized I was feeling frustrated by what other colleagues were charging. Why couldn’t I charge that much as well? Clearly, it was me.

I in the last 18 months of working with Christine, I have fully stepped into my role as a CEO in my business. It’s the 16th of the month and
I’ve made $40k in 2 weeks!

Christine gave me permission to do business MY way, not the way others tell me it needs to be. I highly recommend every RD work with her!-Ana Reisdorf, MS, RD, LD

-Ana Reisdorf, MS, RD, CDE

While working with Christine, I figured out my ideal client/niche and truly what brings me joy. Most importantly, I’ve been doing the inner work.

Christine helped me recognize the importance of taking care of myself FIRST before I can put myself out there to help others. As a result of our work together, I’ve quit my full-time job, started making money in my own private practice, and I also co-founded a non-profit organization to honor my sister and her legacy will live on through the work I put in there.-Esther Tambe, MS, RD, LD

-Esther Tambe, MS, RD, CDE

I hired Christine after finally leaving my day job. I was only working there one day a week and finally in a place where I knew it was time to let it go so I could focus 100% on my private practice.

While working with Christine, I increased my rates and started to have a more consistent inflow of clients coming in via referrals.

Christine also helped me rediscover my passion for writing, and as a result, I’ve been able to create a good balance of paying writing gigs. I’ve also written and self-published the first of a series of ebooks, which I sell on Amazon!

I am a firm believer in getting the support you need in order to take your business & life to the next level and Christine has helped me do that, and so much more!” -Julie Cunningham, MS, RD, LD

-Julie Cunningham, MPH, RD, LDN, CDE, IBCLC

flower in vase with candle and crystal
group of women brainstorming
pile of wooden blocks on a book

Invest in Your Career

THE MANIPURA CENTRE now offers tiered pricing for private coaching.


This model is inspired by the Sliding Scale payment model used in a variety of healthcare settings. Although we are using the honor system and not verifying income, a short application is required to be considered for reduced pricing. Offering tiered pricing for this exclusive program comes from a desire to create multiple access points so those coming from a variety of economic backgrounds can receive career & mindset coaching.

Please be mindful that if you purchase a price at the lowest end of the scale when you can truthfully afford the higher ticket prices, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility.

Select your best option and COMPLETE YOUR PAYMENT BELOW

Option 1


Our coaching program offers the ultimate level of support, guidance, and transformation over the course of 12 months. With personalized coaching sessions, tailored strategies, and unlimited access to resources, this comprehensive package ensures that you receive the dedicated attention and expertise needed to achieve your most ambitious goals. Partner with Christine at the regular price and experience the value of this life-changing coaching program.

Bonus: FREE ticket to the 3-day Summertime Chi Mini-Retreat in Chicago!

Option 2

Mid-Level Price – $6,500 for 12 months

Our mid-level coaching program provides you with the same 12 months of dedicated support and guidance at a more accessible investment. With regular coaching sessions, personalized strategies, and access to our exclusive resources, this package offers a perfect balance of affordability and value, ensuring that you receive the necessary tools and insights to overcome challenges and reach new heights in your RD career. Partner with Christine at the mid-level price and take the first step towards creating the career & life you desire.

Option 3


Our entry-level coaching program offers you 12 months of transformative guidance and support at an affordable investment. With coaching sessions tailored to your needs, practical strategies, and access to valuable resources, this package is designed to provide you with the essential tools and insights needed to overcome obstacles, build confidence, and make meaningful progress towards your goals. Partner with Christine at the entry-level price and take the first step towards creating the career & life you desire.


  • Confidence in Entrepreneurship: You’ll gain more confidence in your entrepreneurial abilities, allowing you to pursue your passion and purpose with conviction.


  • Balanced Entrepreneurial Lifestyle: You’ll achieve a harmonious work-life balance, finding fulfillment in both your personal and professional life.


  • Purpose-Driven Business: You’ll operate your business with a clear sense of purpose, contributing to your own fulfillment and making a positive impact on your clients and community.


  • Authentic Business Clarity: You’ll gain a clear and deep understanding of your authentic business identity, allowing you to align your values and vision with your entrepreneurial journey.


  • Mindful Decision-Making: You’ll make business decisions from a place of inner wisdom, resulting in more authentic and sustainable results.




I can’t wait to support you in growing your business!

I created this private coaching program specifically for RD entrepreneurs who have been struggling for years to get their businesses where they want it to be, but overthinking and procrastination have been getting in the way of forward movement. This program eliminates all of that so you can have all the foundational elements completed in 12 short months.

As a business owner myself, I am no stranger to the mind drama created by overthinking everything and trying to get it “just perfectly right.” Although it feels right in the moment, trying to create the career you want in this way just robs you of precious time and mental energy, with nothing to show for it.

That’s why private coaching is so valuable. You can hunker down and get “all of the things” done with my support, in a laser-focused, productive, and supportive way.

So let’s hunker down together and get ‘er done, so you can make more money as a dietitian this year!

Christine signature


If this sounds so exciting (“Yes! This is exactly the push that I need right now…”) take the next step by scheduling a 60-minute Consult Call with Christine.



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