
Wishing You Were There Faster

Blog, Emotional Mindset

When you’re working towards your goals, resistance can feel like being stuck in relentless traffic, holding up progress and creating a sense of stagnation. Today, we’ll explore the intricacies of resistance—whether it’s toward current results, emotions, outcomes, experiences, or even thoughts. We’ll discuss the impact of resistance on your mental health and how strategic coaching and mindset shifts can transform your journey from a slow crawl to a fast-paced express lane.

The Traffic of Resistance: Identifying the Congestion

Resistance manifests as a mental traffic jam, impeding the smooth flow toward our ultimate destination. Just as cars in traffic represent our thoughts and feelings—some acknowledged, others buried beneath the surface—disbelief, cynicism, and judgment congest our mental highways. The awareness of these thoughts is similar to identifying the vehicles causing the slowdown; it’s the first step in breaking free from the grip of resistance.

Coaching is like the express pass, the HOV lane to goal achievement. By seeking coaching and surrounding yourself with a community undergoing similar transformative experiences, you clear the mental congestion and gain momentum. The art lies in dedicating energy to intentional thought organization and cleanliness. Understanding the impact of your thoughts and feelings on the journey empowers us to navigate the fast lane, moving you closer to your goals at an accelerated pace.

The Fast Lane of Awareness: Accelerating Towards Goals

Awareness acts as the driving force in the fast lane of goal achievement. Getting coached allows you to spot the mental “cars” causing congestion and provides the clarity needed to navigate toward your goals. Learning the art of organizing and intentionally creating thoughts moves you at 60 miles per hour toward success. The key is not only recognizing the presence of thoughts but also being open to others pointing them out, creating a collective effort to clear the mental roadways.

Just as one mile can take varying times depending on traffic, a goal’s realization is influenced by how we utilize our minds. The fast lane of awareness ensures that each mental mile is covered efficiently. As we accelerate, the destination becomes not just a distant point but a tangible reality. The power lies in leveraging your understanding of thoughts and feelings to move toward success, bypassing unnecessary mental congestion.

Patience and Acceptance: Navigating the Inevitable Congestion

Patience and acceptance become essential tools when faced with unavoidable mental congestion. Wishing to reach our goals faster doesn’t alter the outcome, just like beating ourselves up for not taking a different mental route is counterproductive. Developing patience is about acknowledging that some moments on the journey might be congested, and embracing those instances with a sense of grace.

Surviving and thriving in challenging moments, like navigating a pandemic while building a business, deserves applause. Acknowledging our resilience and uniqueness is crucial. Patience is not just a virtue but a strategic mindset that helps us stay sane during times when progress seems slow. It transforms moments of congestion into opportunities for reflection and even enjoyment, fostering a healthier approach to the journey.

Conclusion: Celebrating the Journey and Acknowledging Your Strength

As we conclude this exploration of resistance and the metaphorical traffic on our path to success, it’s important to remember to celebrate the journey. Awareness, coaching/mentorship, intentional thought creation, and patience collectively transform your mindset, turning mental “traffic” into a fast lane. Remember, the journey is not just about reaching the destination but appreciating the moments, even the congested ones. Applaud yourself for your resilience, uniqueness, and ability to navigate both literal and metaphorical traffic on the road to your goals.

You truly are one-of-a-kind, my amazing friend.

This is a small example of the business growth & mindset work we do in my Abundance Incubator Program. We work on mindset and business momentum to help your nutrition business grow and flourish exponentially. 

Curious about what that would look like for you and your business?

Let’s connect and talk about your goals and how I can help you get there. Grab your free 30-minute consultation here.

The consult call is where I take the time to listen deeply to what your current situation looks like, what’s not working, where you want to be in your business, as well as your life, and help you map out a plan to get there.

If we’re the right fit for each other, we can also talk about what it would look like to work together.

Sound good? Schedule a Consult call today.


About Christine

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Christine Dyan Thomson, founder of The Manipura Centre™, works to amplify the voices of dietitians who are making an impact.

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