
EP.339: The Expert Identity: Owning Your Worth Without the Perfectionism

Mindset, Podcast

As dietitians, we’re trained to value precision, evidence, and getting things right. But sometimes, this commitment to excellence morphs into a perfectionism that keeps us from fully stepping into our expertise. It’s that voice that says you need to know everything before you can claim your authority.

In this third episode of our identity series, we’re tackling the complex relationship between expertise and perfectionism. It’s time to explore how waiting to be “perfect” might be holding you back from making your biggest impact – and what to do about it.

This episode builds on our previous conversations about professional identity and limiting beliefs, focusing on how to fully own your expertise while letting go of the perfectionism that often comes with being a healthcare professional.




  • Why perfectionism is particularly challenging for dietitians
  • The real difference between excellence and perfectionism
  • How waiting to be “perfect” limits your professional impact
  • What true expertise looks like (hint: it’s not about knowing everything)
  • Ways perfectionism shows up in your career that you might not recognize
  • How to maintain high standards without getting stuck in perfectionist patterns
  • The connection between perfectionism and imposter syndrome
  • Why owning your expertise actually serves your clients better


Perfectionism doesn’t have to be the price of being an expert. If you’re ready to make a bigger impact while letting go of impossible standards, this episode will show you how to embrace your expertise with confidence and authenticity. Because the truth is, your clients don’t need you to be perfect – they need you to be present, knowledgeable, and real.





Download our free “How to Calculate Your Rates” workbook and discover a step-by-step process for setting rates that honor your worth and support your business goals.



Come join us in Money Mindset Mastery & More, our amazing Facebook community where dietitians like you support each other, share wins (big and small!), and create magic together. This is the cozy corner of the internet where you can be yourself while dreaming bigger and growing stronger. We’re having real conversations about building fulfilling careers, creating sustainable success, and yes – transforming our relationship with money. Head over to the Facebook Group and join your colleagues who can’t wait to welcome you. Remember, the journey is so much sweeter when we walk it together!

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About the host

Christine smiling

Christine Dyan Thomson, founder of The Manipura Centre™, works to amplify the voices of dietitians who are making an impact.

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