
EP.333: Looking Back, Moving Forward

Mindset, Podcast, Uncategorized

Have you ever stumbled upon something from your past that stopped you in your tracks? In this deeply personal episode, I share a recent discovery that made me reflect on my entire professional journey – an old YouTube video that revealed how my core message about mindset has remained constant throughout my career evolution.

From my early days as a registered dietitian working with women over 40 to my current role as the founder of Manipura Centre, I explore how our past experiences and beliefs shape our professional development in ways we might not realize. This episode is all about understanding how our earlier wisdom continues to guide us, even as we evolve and grow in our careers.

Through personal stories and reflections, I delve into the power of looking back at our professional path not with criticism, but with curiosity and appreciation. This episode serves as both a reminder and an invitation to explore your own professional evolution and the consistent threads that have guided your journey.





  • How revisiting past work can reveal the consistent themes in your professional journey
  • The evolution from working with individual clients to empowering fellow practitioners
  • Why sustainable change comes from mindset shifts rather than willpower
  • The importance of trusting your professional intuition, even when it differs from conventional wisdom
  • How to identify the through-line in your career, even when your path seems nonlinear
  • Practical exercises for reflecting on your own professional evolution
  • The value of acknowledging and learning from your past professional self



Whether you’re a healthcare practitioner, entrepreneur, or professional navigating your career path, this episode offers valuable insights into how our past experiences inform our present purpose.





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About the host

Christine smiling

Christine Dyan Thomson, founder of The Manipura Centre™, works to amplify the voices of dietitians who are making an impact.

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